23 February 2023

Written by Sarah
5 steps to connect with today’s property buyers

Property buyers have different expectations in today’s market. Is your next campaign ready for them?


The next generation property buyers think differently. They’re not just looking for a home – they’re seeking sustainable places that also add meaning to their life and connect them to a local community. Yet most campaigns are sticking to the same old formula. So how can tell a better story – one that will connect with their emotions, and cut through in a more challenging real estate market?

We asked our network of property marketing leaders to share what they’re doing differently – and what is actually working. We’ve distilled all that wisdom into these 5 tips to get more impact from your next launch.


1. Give your strategy the time it deserves

Your strategy is the most important part of your campaign. Invest the extra hours to go beyond visual identity. Dig deeper to identify and understand your audience, unique selling proposition, and compelling emotional and tangible benefits.
This will make everything else down the road – from design to copy – so much easier. And better.


2. Have a voice

Now that you know what you want to say, it’s time to think about how you want to say it. This is where a tone of voice comes in to help you connect with your audience on an emotional level. Define a distinctive voice that reflects your brand so you can shine in a sea of cold developer speak.

3. Find one compelling truth about the project

Look for that special, genuine detail and use it to tell an authentic story. Maybe it’s the history of the space, or the feeling of life within the building. Find these interesting insights and weave them into the campaign to make your vision more compelling to the buyer.


4. Lock into the real details

Help today’s buyers connect by painting a picture with tangible details. When you’re describing something that doesn’t yet exist, it’s easy (and lazy) to stick to the same fluffy adjectives – and architectural statements are incomprehensible to most buyers. Instead, tell the stories that bring the essence of each space to life. For example, “marble island kitchen island with luxe finishes,” could become “Your natural Carrara kitchen bench is large enough to roll out homemade pizza for the kids – and intimate enough for a casual grazing platter gathering with friends.”

5. Break some rules

Loosen up and do things differently. That might mean having more fun with a campaign on platforms like TikTok or Instagram, or ditching industry jargon like ‘amenity’. Now is the perfect time to switch things up, push the boundaries and set yourself apart.


You only get one launch. Make it count.

Download The Writers’ guide to property campaigns for more tips and insights from some of Australia’s finest property marketers.

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