Sharing stories of
Aussie innovation


AGL Advancing Australia content

We teamed up with AGL to share how local heroes are changing the world for the better.

The Advancing Australia TV series, supported by AGL, profiled dozens of Australian innovators fighting the good fight – from lowering food waste and working towards carbon neutrality, to improving mental health and providing digital and physical access for all. AGL wanted to share those inspiring stories more broadly, with written content on the AGL Discover blog.

This was also an opportunity to connect these stories to AGL’s brand pillars of progress, innovation, sustainability and connectivity to life. Working closely with the TV production and marketing teams, we spoke with 10 innovators, and uncovered how they are helping solve some of today’s biggest issues. We put a face to some of the amazing accomplishments not only changing life in Australia, but around the rest of the world, too.

AGL Advancing Australia


What we did

  • In-depth interviews
  • Research and write 10 articles
  • Project management

“I couldn’t be more impressed with the work from Writers. They were proactive, professional and an absolute joy to work with. They met the brief and were able to draw out the emotion from the stories, and reliably deliver the content on time. ”

– Sasha Lowings, AGL


UNSW Global wanted to set international students up for success at university, with a different approach to online learning.


A relative newcomer to the Australian car market, LDV turned to Writes for some persuasive wordsmithing to help sell its new range of commercial vans.

No Bolt

Uncovering the ‘why’ behind No Bolt’s operations, we helped the Melbourne manufacturer re-write their sales collateral to put client needs first.


Unit 25,43-53 Bridge Rd
Stanmore, Sydney
NSW 2048

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