Defining the voice of impact
Helping Sefa make its mark through tone of voice.
As one of its biggest cheerleaders, we’ve helped Sefa define its tone of voice – and equipped its team with the skills to put it to use.
Sefa knows there’s a better way to tackle real social problems. And it’s shaking up the for-purpose sector, one loan and partnership at a time.
Its support enables social enterprises to grow through capital and capability building, while also helping impact investors generate positive returns.
But to be a game-changer, you need a strong, consistent voice that carries the weight of what’s at stake: the future of communities. So Sefa asked us to help define its voice and train its people to use it well.
We explored Sefa’s values, journeyed across the organisation’s existing comms and identified its personality traits through our Voicebox tool during a 2-hour workshop. Then, we distilled these into a distinctive voice that the team could all get behind.
Now every research report, client deliverable, thougth leadership article and social impact story is written in Sefa’s new tone. Armed with a comprehensive tone of voice guide full of practical examples and a 2-hour Writers training session under their belt, the Sefa team is ready to share its message loud and clear – for the benefit of those who need it most.
What we did
- Tone of voice workshop
- Tone of voice guidelines
- Training workshop
“The Sefa team’s passion is to unlock more social impact. With our purpose-driven tone of voice we are drawing our clients, investors and partners into sharing this passion. And Nikola and the team at Writers made it a fun experience to identify and bring our voice alive.”
– Hanna Ebeling, CEO, Sefa
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